Monday, June 7, 2010

The scope of our creativity goes beyond recording what we see!

Our memory nor our perspective is neither pure or accurate....and their purpose goes far beyond recording and recalling what we remember or see as artists. Subconsciously, we pick and choose the details of what we wish to create....layering over the reality of what is actually happening. The layers of the Smokey Mountains or the layers of cliffs and ledges of the Grand Canyon, or the desert foothills with changing cloud patterns traced upon their face, can be compared to the images that dance across our memory. Memories are laid down in layers....the top layers easier to access...but the deepest ones we sometimes don't reach at all. The creative process helps us connect to the layers and often lifts our memories to conscious light. It is in this light that we can create healing and deal with the shadows of our perspective. It serves our soul well....brings us out of hiding and rummaging around in the basement of our psyche and frees us to create from the freedom and freshness of the present perspective.

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