Friday, April 23, 2010

The dark side of creativity!

When the sky boiled up and the darkness chased away the light I was on the front porch watching the action until the tornado warnings reached my ears. So this photo tells us that even nature has a dark side. Life is no exception, for suffering is a fact of life and saying YES to it and finding a way through it help us become a trusted escort of compassion to those who also suffer. I love the paintings of a friend who was going through breast cancer treatment....women clutching their breasts, women with just one breast and figures with none. She was finding a way through her suffering with strong statements that expressed her anguish. And, now that she is cancer free, she is the compassionate escort to my beloved daughter-in-law in her battle with ovarian cancer. There are distressing voids in life where the cheerful words of hope and promise may interfere with the process of what is happening. Sometimes it is more helpful to express the angst than to ignore or gloss over it. It is saying YES to sitting with what is personally true in the moment that we honor our creativity. Anything else is resistance which drains our creative energy. An unconditionally embraced event or predicament becomes a threshold to what comes next. If we do not jump into the unexpected territory of pain and suffering with the banner of hope to gain control, we get to dance with the dragons instead of shove them under the bed to grow even bigger. It is this beautiful contrast that makes and shapes our composition.

"For we must be clear that to live or love only where on can trust, where there is security and containment, where one cannot be hurt or let down, where what is pledged in words is forever binding, means really to be out of harm's way and so to be out of real life. And it does not matter what is this vessel of trust...analysis, marriage, church or law or any human relationship." James Hillman

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Thank you to the poet Wordsworth!

Nature......can so inform
The mind that is within us...
That neither evil tongues...
Nor the sneers of selfish men...
Shall e'er prevail against us, or disturb
Our cheerful faith that all which we behold
Is full of blessings.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The artist as a creative witness!

Exploring the images that pass by us each and every moment requires a mindful is like being a witness to the energy around you. This dedicated presence and engaged focus takes practice.....noticing. The witness in us has to be careful not to edit too quickly....putting our ego's judgment on hold. A contemplative presence involves listening, seeing, and attending without the diversionary mind-sets of fear, desire, control, judgment or projection. Seeing the current reality without the heavy wardrobe of ego.....clothes us in trust and leads to creative curiosity. The alert caring witness of a creative mind pays naked unedited, walking through a garden, walking without trampling any of the flowers, without blaming anyone for the presence of weeds, with great appreciation for all the time, pain and growth it took to be the way it is. When our judgmental ego is put aside, we can be enlightened witnesses.....being a vehicle of light instead of a roadblock to it. We give up the need to control, the need for perfection, the angst of fear and become the compassionate witness that records and shares the gifts of creating.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Creativity uses contrast to shape life images.

Contrast is a wonderful teacher! It allows us to mindfully witness and choose that which serves our highest purpose. We are attracted, we are repulsed, there is dark and there is light, there is love and there is fear, there is laughter and there are tears. And we don't have to choose which is better.....but say YES to observing the evolution and impermanence of our present reality. It is contrasting light against dark that creates and shapes our paintings as well as our life. It is noticing and choosing in our given circumstances that which contributes rather than contaminates.....increases rather than diminishes our composition. Demanding that things stay light or perfect or in a fairy tale existence of a positive state is a state of spiritual immaturity. I remember an art therapist/artist in a workshop in Sun Valley critiquing my offering of the day saying......"That is very paint something ugly." I was aghast, but she wanted to see the range of my emotion and it helped me get unstuck from what I call my "Hallmark card" stage. So, over the years I have learned not to shy away from contrast.....but simply sit and notice my desire to draw near of withdraw from any event or circumstance with mindful choice. When we hold on to perfection, changelessness and rigid expectations or play the powerless victim, we are missing the contrast that helps our creative life grow.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Creative imagination is using the reality at hand in a positive way!

Saying yes to the things we cannot change is like choosing to sit in the saddle in the direction the horse is going. Sitting that way makes the ride smoother and is a mindful way of honoring the here and now without the distraction of fear. We can enjoy the scenic route. Using your imagination to say yes to the present events and circumstances is creative living at its finest. We face our issues without protest, without anger, without bitterness and this attitude releases our creativity to embrace life. An unconditional "Yes" to reality circumvents the ego and frees us from control, judgment, complaining, dreamy expectations and we meet each day with openness, curiosity and kindness. This is not a numbing, stoic surrender, but a courageous choice and a respectful place where spiritual surprises happen. When we are in this non-resistant state we discover unique inner gifts, our energy is vibrant regardless of the events and circumstances, things work out in peace and harmony and the creative juices are not blocked. The creative process accepts life on its own terms without shaking our fists at heaven or demanding an exemption or taking refuge in a belief system that muffles our sense of authenticity and power by portraying us as victims. In reality, our fear of and struggle against the givens are the real sources of our pain. Saying "yes" is like my favorite cowboy saying, "Make my day"!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Getting side tracked with our creativity!

The creative process is passionate and comes with an exploratory nature. That curiosity makes it possible to get easily side tracked and lead you away from your true authentic creativity. Julia Cameron in her book, "The Artist's Way" talks about events and situations that can be toxic to your creativity. Creative spiritual attentiveness offers guidelines and boundaries that are necessary for a chosen creative life. The little irritations that keep your thoughts imprisoned need to be eliminated. The idle negative critics that amuse themselves with your creations rather than their own work can stop you dead in your tracks. Ms. Cameron talks about "crazy makers"....they waste your time, intrude on your space, require demanding favors, and are often envious and subtly undermining. There are things we cannot change....but there are daily practices that are of our own choosing. Today, may we practice living creatively with loving attention to believing in our creative powers and weeding out those beliefs, relationships, and activities that distract and confuse. May we easily distinguish what contributes to and what contaminates our creativity.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Restlessness is a sign that creative expression is about to happen!

I have learned that a bout with restlessness can best be met with curiosity rather than cranky irritation. Usually it is a flag waving that creativity is about to explode and I have to be patient for its unfolding. Restlessness is full of mixed signals....first we feel one thing and then we reverse it. East looks good....but then the sun setting in the West looks better....and we are fragmented, volatile and changeable. It is when our course is in the midst of change that we cannot seem to depend on ourselves.....and really, we don't need will become clear as we open ourselves to change and the invasive energy of creating something new. Being open to change with the curiosity of a student, will open our eyes and ears to the signals of the Universe. We ask with restless irritation...."What the hell is it?" But when destiny knocks we say, "Ah-hah! That's what!" It is colorful and expansive as we patiently allow it to come into full view. Inspiration comes and we are irrationally, intuitively and insistently inspired to create beyond our restlessness.

"I did not wish to take a cabin passage, but rather to go before the mast and on the deck of the world, for there I could best see the moonlight amid the mountains. I do not wish to go below now." Henry David Thoreau

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Creativity is always changing form.

Creativity as life itself, is a constant changing collaboration between what we are made from and what we wish to make of ourselves. Opening our hearts to the inspiration and instruction is placing ourselves on the launching pad. The trajectory of our growth will be an adventure in changing scenery. In our changing patterns of maturing and learning we experience the unchanging support of the Universe....a Divine Dynamics that cradles us in our shaping. Like the Universe itself, all life is in the throes of shifting identity.....the unfolding saga of creation on all levels is one of constant transformation. When we cooperate with our need and desire to grow, we are cooperating with a universal spiritual law. One of our greatest problems as artists is assessing our growth accurately. Are we off on another tangent? Are we crazy? Can't we stick to one thing? And, often when we are feeling uncomfortable we ask our friends their opinion. Many times they only know a part of us and mirror back to us fragments and miniature pieces of the puzzle. Our changes may be uncomfortable for them too and they may try to keep us in a familiar pattern. There are no predictable certain routes....only a change of scenery as we travel our own unique itinerary.

"No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings." William Blake

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The window of wonder!

Our imagination is the window to the world of wonder. As artists it serves us well to find our own particular window to wonder that opens us up and lets the fresh air in and allows us to breathe in the wonder of our Universe. It frees us from our busy claustrophobic lives and the limits of our self-imposed boxes. What triggers your imagination is uniquely yours....perhaps a visit to a fabric store, a walk along the shore, picking a bouquet of flowers, buying art supplies or reading a fascinating book. The imagination is not linear but steps beyond time and space into an extraordinarily freeing center. This place serves our soul, not our ego. When your imagination ignites, it is laughter. When we share our imagination it gives voice to our true nature and gives others permission to do the same. I have never forgotten when a successful artist that was teaching a workshop asked me if I exhibited my work and I said, "No, I'm not that good." She crossly was in my face....."That's have to share who you are." And, she was right....that what we came share who we are with one another.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Art Walking!

Nothing brings home the beauty of the world we live in than walking through it. Hand in hand with the Great Creator, we take a walk through the woods, the desert, the mountains and along the shore, moving our bodies through a great "body of work". Stretching our legs, mind, body and soul, we see the moving art exhibit around us. We stop to notice a blooming wildflower or the sun exploding behind the desert hills much as we would pause to observe a great painting in a gallery. The treasure hunt is endless, there is no lack of subject matter. The clouds leave patterns on the hills below, the grasses on the prairie wave in gentle motion, the snow on the mountain tops is in sharp contrast to the deeply shadowed crevices. And, no physical disability can limit our is the spirit that moves us through this Universe, unencumbered by any frailty.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Creativity requires action!

I have learned so much from my son and his wife Mark and Jerri Lisk about how much action is required to be consistently creative. The old message, "You can't make a living at art", is such a lie and they are living proof. They are prolific artists....sketching, painting, photographing and exhibiting every day. It is a commitment to action and a lifestyle!

Creativity thrives on small, do-able actions....which really helps me dismantle procrastination. I no longer wait to have a studio, but paint on the kitchen counter. There is no excuse left to wait until we feel creative. That logjam needs to break by just getting started. The feelings often come after you've begun to sketch, or paint, or model clay or take a walk with your camera. Many artists are blocked by having too many ideas....where to start? When the mental gears are on overload and clutch up and freeze, it's time to slow down, breathe and unclutter the mind. Clear your calendar of distractions, and choose to fertilize the soul with your chosen creative activities. Dreamy vagueness will not get you going.....piercing desire and committed clarity will. Easy does it...but do it!

"Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries." Corita Kent

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why use your creative energy?

"Why should we all use our creative power.....? Because there is nothing that makes people so generous, joyful, lively, bold and compassionate, so indifferent to fighting and the accumulation of objects and money." Brenda Ueland

Perhaps the antidote to using our power destructively is to choose to use our creative energy to contribute to this planet's well being rather than to contaminate it. It is a radical leap of faith in today's environment to believe that we can all make a difference. But as artists, our creative expression is necessary to the big picture....don't discount your contribution....we are all a piece of the giant puzzle that colors and textures the shape of the Universe. Our creativity is central to the human experience and our birthright. We are an expression of the Great Creator as we intend to create.....not our mere ego, but a way to touch the divine and allow it to touch us. Creativity is an act of faith.....a commitment to make things and in so doing, make something better of ourselves and our world. Our graceful ability to embrace this faith is what sustains a creative life.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Creativity in constant collaboration!

It is impossible for me to separate creativity from the spiritual depths of my beliefs. Creativity is God's true nature and our own, in my view. When our God-given gifts appear, how do we react? I love Nelson Mandela's remarks that we do no one any favors "hiding our light" and pretending to be "smaller than we are." In the name of humility or modesty we often try to play small and sometimes stay small. When the creative power moving through us asks us to expand, we would rather contract, stay in our comfort range. But as spiritual beings when our spirit grows larger, so must we....there is no comfort in staying in our definition of yesterday's smallness. As God the creator is always expanding, exploring and experiencing through nature, may we collaborate with all creation. Being a part of this Universe does not invite us to play small and we are better off cooperating than resisting. I call it the path of least resistance. The size the Great Creator has in mind for us is none of our business and we shouldn't meddle as we use our creativity to expand and explore. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Creativity responds to nourishment and warmth!

Our creative energy must not be squandered, but nurtured...this energy is sacred. Festive celebration breeds creativity, rigid perfection breeds frustration. Do not straightjacket your creativity in the name of discipline or another's approval. Your imagination is the spark that needs to flicker like a new ember and then be fanned into a flame with a careful supply of encouragement and warm acceptance. Your considerable creative energy that you do not encourage will be channeled into resistance and indifference to your gifts. The Universe is alive with energy, with fertility, humor and abundance and so are you. Life is not dreary and difficult unless you choose this attitude and neglect your child-like playful, creative nature. Our creative energy is divine inheritance....sacred ground to be vigilantly nurtured.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Nurturing your imagination!

Nurturing your imagination is not just whimsical thoughts of fairies and viewing the Universe through rose colored glasses. It is seeing with a changed perspective...those things which may seem impossible in our present belief system. It is where great ideas come, art, science, philosophy. Rational thinking, empirical evidence will never require you to go beyond your present reality into your imagination. Nurturing your imagination requires like Alice In Wonderland, diving into the rabbit hole.....making a place for the unexpected visions and new realities. The world of your imagination is a wonderful playground....not to be feared, but embraced with the joy you felt as a child watching the clouds. As an adult, this playground of the unfamiliar my be threatening.....many have lost their child like ability to naturally create out of their imaginations. One time I was helping pre-schoolers in an art session. I say helping rather than teaching because they often were my teachers. One little girl brought her creation to me.....delicate little blue slash marks with big brown circles on the bottom of the page. I made the mistake of asking her what this was and she put her hand on her hip and with disgusted tone of voice said, "It is meatballs in the rain, of course!" Meatballs in the rain was not familiar to my reality, but it made perfect sense after she showed me her imagination. So since it is Easter weekend and rabbits are in style.....let yourself dive down the rabbit hole and see what worlds are waiting for you in your imagination.