Monday, June 21, 2010

Be kind to your creative self!

The creative process allows your soul to focus on something grand. It is impossible to be in the creative flow and be self-conscious at the same time.....a beautiful shift from ego to soul work. Even though the weather outside may not be suitable for plein aire and the people around you may not be the most pleasant.....the creative process encourages a brighter view. The neighbor bending over to pick her flowers seems more interesting....the way the light hits the apple takes on a glow that you didn't notice before. You are in the now, a passionate observer...loving life more....interested in and receptive to the curiosity that takes your imagination to the scenic route.


  1. Joye, If I never picked up a paint brush again, I would stay eternally grateful for the fact that painting opened my eyes...and my so many lovely ways. I see so much more. Therefore, I live bigger!

  2. Ain't it the truth Sharon! I see you!
