Friday, May 28, 2010

Our creative call!

The larger Creative Call comes...and if we are listening we can be assured we heard our name. Don't be shy, don't be afraid and DO NOT MAKE EXCUSES! Get happy, you have work to do, places to go, people to see, gifts to share. Answering the creative call does not mean you have to get entangled in a consumer simply means creativity calls you to be an integral part of life. It is not up to us to decide how important it is or how much we have to contribute. The question is always, "Do we dare participate in something that is beyond us?" Are we willing to be a participator in a dialogue that communicates to the larger world and is also influenced by that world. As you participate in the creative process, it will work you over, teach you about yourself, heal you many times and grant you the opportunity to see and feel the magic of great beauty. It is inevitable that when you witness and do not resist your own creative power, your life changes, your perspective changes, your heart's desire changes and you are free to be your best self.

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