Friday, May 21, 2010

Your creative soul tells a story!

The creative soul is like a deep well....a well that is situated firmly in your life, your family, in the region and culture that shaped you and the history that produced you. The creative side of you hauls up the material out of this well....the images, memories, emotions, beliefs out of the mysterious dark well that is your subconscious and beyond conscious. This process is rooted in your intuitive, spiritual self and there is much more that you don't know about the well than what you do know. As the small bits and pieces of the picture unfolds, put aside the fear, rules, judgments and censors. The truly creative process is not something you control. When you try to control it, you short-circuit the creativity. Allowing the arrival of whatever comes out of the well may surprise you, some will disgust or even frighten you....but it is all material for you to work with, even if the work involves throwing something back. Not only is your soul bigger and wiser than your conscious ego, it knows the story better than you has all the pieces to the picture. The well contains the composition, the third act of the play, the prize winning photos, the end of the poem and if you let it flow it will come up within your grasp. When you choose to participate in your soul's creativity by trusting the process and allowing the flow to do what it will, you make a huge step as a creative person. We aren't meant to control....just to participate.

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