Friday, April 16, 2010

Getting side tracked with our creativity!

The creative process is passionate and comes with an exploratory nature. That curiosity makes it possible to get easily side tracked and lead you away from your true authentic creativity. Julia Cameron in her book, "The Artist's Way" talks about events and situations that can be toxic to your creativity. Creative spiritual attentiveness offers guidelines and boundaries that are necessary for a chosen creative life. The little irritations that keep your thoughts imprisoned need to be eliminated. The idle negative critics that amuse themselves with your creations rather than their own work can stop you dead in your tracks. Ms. Cameron talks about "crazy makers"....they waste your time, intrude on your space, require demanding favors, and are often envious and subtly undermining. There are things we cannot change....but there are daily practices that are of our own choosing. Today, may we practice living creatively with loving attention to believing in our creative powers and weeding out those beliefs, relationships, and activities that distract and confuse. May we easily distinguish what contributes to and what contaminates our creativity.


  1. Oh those crazy makers! I have done my best to eliminate them from my life...or at least, to learn not to let their craziness become mine.
    Energy vampires! Don't need 'em. ;)

  2. Joye...amen to this one, although I'm not an artist, I do apply your wisdom to my life as it fits. In nursing, there is the syndrome of nurses eating their young...and I had a lesson this week on what to keep out and what to let in, for I need my spiritual attentivenss for my work too....
    Thank you for this wonderful blog and the wonderful paintings...catching up today...

  3. Thanks Sharon and Jen....the creative life isn't just for's a life thingy!!!
    Love you both!
