Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Keep your sense of humor!

I know this isn't a painting and will not add to your cultured amazing self....but I love signs that make me giggle. I must admit that giggling has become as important as painting. If I put off doing either one.....I get grumpy and a pain in the neck. Artistic anorexia is a term Julia Cameron uses...the avoidance of the pleasure of the creative process. Instead of making art, we make trouble. Showing up at the easel and going full steam ahead makes me happy and it keeps me from raising hell in other parts of my life. It is the place where the ego-ridden grip is put aside...no fear exists.....nothing but a sense of scale and balance.....perspective. I have finally broken the code of avoidance.....stopped conning myself into distracting relationships and events, wrapping myself around other's lives. I have sharpened my focus and channeled all that creative juice into scratching my creative itch. What a relief! Ta dah!

1 comment:

  1. Joye..this post from you actually did make me laugh out loud! Personally, the thought of you raising hell sounds like something which would be really fun to observe! ;)
