Monday, March 22, 2010

There is no creative emergency!

When I realized there are no creative emergencies and I didn't have to struggle with what to paint or how to paint it, the pressure was off.....I could play. Playfulness is the key for me......detaching from the outcome of the creative's just paint and paper or canvas. So what if your experiment isn't something to hang on the wall. It is a valuable experience to enjoy. Lighten up! This insight is inseparable from actualizing a new idea or vision and it drew me to new things and pushing myself to things I wasn't quite sure I could do. If we stick with only those things we know and already are successful at, we don't grow creatively. The process is the magnificent place for joy and is where perspective is dancing to be born!


  1. We are such a results oriented society that it is easy t forget the joy of the journey!

  2. If I could make one comment without a typo I think it would be some sort of record!!
