Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Creativity is engagement!

I have found as I developed a disciplined creativity that everything in the day was in vivid color from peeling carrots to watching the clouds float by. It is in the engagement of noticing how you feel, what is going on and what it means to you that your senses heighten. Not just what you see....but noticing that everything in your day makes a noise, has a texture to the touch, a taste to the tongue and a fragrance to your sense of smell. How does water sound and taste and smell as it runs over your body in the shower? One sense will evoke a memory or a dream, while another will engage a desire, an emotion or an image. What does a trip to the garden to pick a bouquet elicit? Everything that is noticed and appreciated will give you subject matter. It is like life is an exhibitionist waiting for your attention. Like many others I love the line from the movie Avatar, "I see you." And might I add....every day is seen, heard, tasted, touched as we go by in our creative zone.

1 comment:

  1. I am bringing my whole brain to your wonderful party, Joye. It feels like a party! Where all the guests are totally in touch and in tune with their own creativity...and each others.
    Thank you, for these art/life lessons!
