Tuesday, February 15, 2011

On my easel today

Being alert to the possibility of change opens our eyes and ears....it is a crossing of sorts.....from one side to another. Sometimes it means wading into the current and feeling its power. When destiny knocks it can be colorful and expansive and if we resist the crossing and play it safe, a certain restlessness will always be with us. For an artist, a bout of restlessness is best met with an inquisitive mind....it usually means the creative juices are about to begin flowing. Perhaps we become changeable and a little irritable until we find it unbearable and embrace our need to express ideas with paint, paper, song, camera, dance and words. I saw the movie True Grit twice and love the scene of the 14 year old girl determined not to be left behind and plunging her horse into the river. She embraced her passion and would not be discouraged.

"Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them." Ralph Waldo Emerson
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1 comment:

  1. Joye~ I totally LOVE this! integrating art and spirit~ it is so beautifully you! I'll surely be spending more time here <3 Blessed and grateful to be your friend,
