Friday, October 29, 2010

Sharing your creativity brings up vulnerability.

The sensitivity that is so much a part of our creativity is a double edged sword. It sharpens our awareness to color shape and form and ignites our imagination. The other side of it is being sliced open by critical opinions, approval and judgments. Bringing your creative work into the world is much like exposing your soul and can be terrifying if you have been subjected to creative injuries that often happen early on in our expressive life. As artists, there is a collaborative process with the Great Creator....a spiritual journey to our most sensitive center. Like rejection from a loved one.....our creative hearts get broken and vulnerable. But, like real life, we mend and heal and reach again for our creative dreams and partner up with Divine Design. The books that were lying in drawers, continue page by page, the paintings stuffed in the back of the closet come out to be finished, the music that still plays in our heart is written down. The fire breathing dragons and muttering ghosts that hide under our bed are invited out to dance in the light.

"We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other people's models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open."

Shakti Gawain

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